Vilhelmina Ullemar writes fantasy fiction and thrillers with a touch of romance. She finds her ideas in the middle of the night, where they’re usually coiled up in a comfortable darkness. It takes a special kind of persuasion to make them assume the tangible form of words—that, and a backdrop of suitably dramatic music.
When not writing, Vilhelmina spends her days working as a medical doctor in Stockholm, Sweden—though she firmly believes attempts at making long dead things come to life are best saved for fiction.
Vilhelmina is previously published under the pen name Nina del Arce, which she used between 2017—2019. For a full list of her published works of fiction, see Books.
…okay, enough of that! xD
Because honestly, that’s about all the third-person voice I can stand to provide about myself without laughing!
So, HI! I’m Vilhelmina (or Vil, for short), and I’ll be your guide to this shrine of my own imagination. Wait, did I say shrine? It’s probably more like a haunted castle. Watch out for the vampires!
Besides the obvious (i.e. links to all my writing etc), this website contains the following:
- A blog (because I love talking too much and I need an outlet xD )
- A list of my current projects (ever-changing)
- Links to my favourite writing playlists (because music is the BEST)
- A way to subscribe to my e-mail list